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Grilled Chilli Jam Tiger Prawns

featuring Chef Shuby



  • 10 Tiger Prawns

  • 4 Cherry tomatoes

  • 1 lemon

  • 1 lime (quartered)

  • Salt and Black pepper to taste

  • Chef Stone's Secret Spice™️

  • Olive Oil

  • 1 tablespoon parsley flakes

  • 1 cup Chef Shuby's Chilli Jam

  1. Clean prawns thoroughly under running water and leave shell on.

  2. Season with salt, black pepper, secret spice, parsley flakes and juice of half a lemon.

  3. Heat up your grill/pan 

  4. Drench prawns in Chilli Jam and place on hot grill for 4 minutes each on both sides.

  5. Serve Hot!!

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